Welcome To Alfie.

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Web Design

Taking your business off to limits you have yet to see, with this amazingly good flat designed website template!

Responsive Design

Developed to look good no matter what platform or device you are viewing the website on, go a head, try shrinking your browser!

Html Compliant

Developed with high level of coding and care to provide everyone with a Html5 compliant markup for this amazing website template

CSS3 Transitions

We have incorporated a few nice subtle animations which finishes this template off, and gives it a really professional finish!

Latest From Our Portfolio

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Byggherre: Nåbo Entrepriseform: Totalentreprise Kontraktssum: ca. 250 mill. eks. mva. Arkitekt: Studio Gorilla Type: Nybygg med 80 leiligheter, næringsbygg og parkeringsanlegg Areal: 8500 m2 BRA Byggeår: 2024 - 2026
Parken Fjellhamar

Parken Fjellhamar

Byggherre: Stasjonsgaarden AS Entrepriseform: Totalentreprise Kontraktssum: ca. 208 mill. eks. mva. Arkitekt: LMR Arkitektur AS Type: Nybygg; 61 Leiligheter, næringsarealer og parkeringsanlegg Areal: 9550 BRA Byggeår: 2021 - 2023


Byggherre: Norsk Hydros Pensjonskasse Entrepriseform: Samarbeidsavtale på bygningsmessige arbeider. Arkitekt: Element Type: Totalrehabilitering Rehabilitering : 2022-2024
Wergelandsveien 7

Wergelandsveien 7

Byggherre: Höegh Eiendom AS Entrepriseform: Generalentreprise Arkitekt: MAP Arkitekter AS / Interiørarkitekt: PIL id AS Type: Rehabilitering Rehabilitert : 2022-2023

Our latest clients

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  • codecanyon
  • audiojungle
  • themeforest
  • graphicriver
Beautiful Featured Link That Spreads Across The Whole PageBuy This Theme